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22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

IMEX-Frankfurt yine iptal oldu

IMEX-Frankfurt yine iptal oldu

Geçen yıl ertelenen IMEX-Frankfurt bu yıl 25 – 27 Mayıs tarihleri arasında Messe Frankfurt’ta gerçekleşeceğini duyurmuştu. Ancak bu kez erken bir zamanlamayla şididen bu yılın etkinliğini de iptal ettiklerini bildirdiler.

150’yi aşkın ülkenin en önemli MICE etkinliği olan IMEX, Amerika ayağı için de duyurularını pek yakında açıklayacak.

2021 IMEX-Frankfurt için gönderilen duyuru şöyle;

“ Dear Suat,

It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of IMEX in Frankfurt 2021, due to take place at Messe Frankfurt from 25 – 27 May.

We know the timing of our announcement comes as a blow so early in 2021. More than anything, and like you, we’re eager to deliver some good news and mark a fresh start.

When we were compelled to cancel IMEX in Frankfurt and IMEX America last year we hoped 2021 would see the early recovery of the industry and the IMEX shows. We still believe wholeheartedly that a resurgence will come, but sadly we do not believe it will happen in time for us to deliver a strong and successful event in May.

IMEX in Frankfurt is a hugely global event – our exhibitors and buyers represent 150+ countries – and we are, therefore, reliant on international travel routes being open in the coming weeks to allow our buyers and exhibitors from across the world to confirm their participation.

All that said, we are genuinely positive about the future.

With best personal regards,

Ray & Carina“