Salento conquers journalists and foreign press correspondents in Paris thanks to the municipality of Galatina and to the eight municipalities belonging to the union Union 3: Arnesano, Carmiano, Copertino, Lequile, Leverano, Monteroni di Lecce, Porto Cesareo, and Veglie.
The director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Paris says: «This is the right way to attract in Salento the all-year-round tourism.»
Meetings, confrontations, wonder! Another success for the seventh edition of Salento mon amour à Paris, the event organized by the culture and tourism magazine “Spiagge” , directed by the journalist Carmen Mancarella (www.mediterraneantourism.it).
After the participation to the opening day of the International Tourism Exhibition, the Salon Mondiale du Tourisme in Paris on the 16th of March, the press conference took place in the Parisian restaurant “La Poesia”. This restaurant has been founded by a French family in love with the beauty of the cave called “Grotta della Poesia” in Salento. The restaurant is a literary and cultural salon where you can taste dishes traditional to Southern Italy as well as to Salento, prepared by the talented chef Giuseppe.
The ambassadors were the typical products which are able to conquer everybody: the sparkling wines of Cantine Due Palme, as well as the wines of Negroamaro and Cantina San Donaci.
The best accommodation facilities were there: the farmhouse Masseria Chicco Rizzo (www.masseriachiccorizzo.it), the camping Torre Castiglione (www.torrecastiglione.it), as well as the hotels Vespucci (www.vespuccihotel.it), www.angolodibeppe.it www.intervallohotel.it, www.lidoleucasia.it , www.ilcortilettoportocesareo.it , www.lidolapineta.it , www.rivadelsole.org, www.viva-vacanze.it. The Bcc of Leverano, one of the most solid Italian banks, supported the local enterprises and the territory (www.bccleverano.it) .
Parisian and International journalists as well as Italo-French professionals together with a delegation of students of the high school Liceo italiano Leonardo Da Vinci in Paris, interested into the school tourism, took part to the event. Great promoters of the event were the municipalities of Galatina as well as the municipalities belonging to the Union 3, the union of municipalities formed by Arnesano, Carmiano, Copertino, Lequile, Leverano, Monteroni, Porto Cesareo, and Veglie.
In the morning the local administrators met journalists and international tour operators and they presented the beauties of the Salento territory, even supported by the magazine Spiagge in paper edition and in pocket format.
The press conference was enlivened by an unannouced exibition of pizzica dance, masterfully played by the dancer Giulia Palese, who is part of the Parisian pizzica dance group called “I Carbonari”.
The journalists were fascinated by the beauty of Porto Cesareo, told by the vice mayor of Porto Cesareo, Anna Peluso, together with the territory of Union 3, represented by the journalist Carmen Mancarella, as well as by videoconference by the chairwoman of Union 3, Guendalina Federico, and by the mayors of the municipalities of Copertino, Sandrina Schito, of Carmiano, Gianni Erroi, and of Galatina, Fabio Vergine.
The town of Galatina was introduced through an articulated and exciting presentation by the international Italo-French artist Romina De Novellis: she presented the beauties of Galatina as well as the phenomenon of Tarantism.
Salento is on the right way to attract the all-year-round tourism. From the press room of the Salon Mondial du tourisme, the Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Paris, Annibale Fracasso di Torrepaduli, agrees to the initiative. In a video interview, Mr. Fracasso, stated:
“The initiative of the municipality of Galatina as well as of the municipalities of Union 3 is really admirable. Even though it could be fascinating, it is useless to promote Salento in Japan, since only a few tourists will then probably come to visit Salento, as Salento is really far from Japan. On the contrary, it is important to promote Salento in Europe, especially because there are direct flights from Basle, from Geneva, and from Paris to Salento. This way, 500,000 tourists would come to visit Salento. In particular, French tourists do not like to travel just to relax themselves. They look forward to collect experiences and excitement when travelling. This way, Salento is perfect for them, since Salento offers experiences and excitement to travellers.”
Video interview with the director of the Italian chamber of commerce in Paris, Mr. Fracasso from Torrepaduli
Press Conference video below