TURKSTAT announced the results of the Household Domestic Tourism I. Quarter that reveals the growth of Turkish tourism in Q1 2022.
Accordingly, 7 million 344 thousand people traveled domestically. The number of trips made was 8 million 813 thousand and overnight stays were 67 million 581 thousand.
According to TUIK data, in the first quarter of 2022, the total number of trips within the country increased by 6.1% to 8 million 813 thousand, and the number of overnight stays to 67 million 581 thousand. While the average number of overnight stays was 7.7, a total of 12 billion 184 million 330 thousand TL was spent.
In the distribution of travel expenditures of domestic tourists, personal expenditures stood out with 11 billion 518 million 703 thousand TL. 665 million 626 thousand TL was spent on package tours. The average expenditure per trip was 1,383 TL.
In this quarter, transportation expenditures with 33.7%, food and beverage expenditures with 29.8%, and accommodation expenditures with 11.1% took the highest shares.
Visiting relatives was the first main purpose of travel, while travel, entertainment, and vacation took the second place. Health followed them. Travelers often stayed at the home of friends or relatives. For this reason, the weight of overnight stays was seen here. No significant change was observed in the overnight habits. (Turizmdatabank)